Lishi MIT8 2 In 1 Car Door Lock Pick Decoder Unlock Tool Locksmith Tools
MIT8 2 in 1 Car Door Lock Pick Decoder Unlock Tool Locksmith Tools
It is an auto locksmith tool which is designed to pick and decode auto door locks and trunks. Also it is a perfect choice for professional locksmith to use because the job can be easily completed with it within 3 minutes.
The following vehicles can be unlocked with this opener:
Acura, A udi, Buick, Caddillac, Chery, Chevrolet, C hrysler, C itroen, F iat, F ord, GMC, H yundai,
Infiniti, Jeep, Kia, L exus, L incoln, M azda, M ercedes, M itsubishi, N issan, O pel, P eugeot, R enault,
S eat, S koda, S ubaru, S uzuki, VW and V olvo.
Infiniti, Jeep, Kia, L exus, L incoln, M azda, M ercedes, M itsubishi, N issan, O pel, P eugeot, R enault,
S eat, S koda, S ubaru, S uzuki, VW and V olvo.
Material: Metal
Special function: Unlock
Packing Type: Single Piece
Product weight: 0.2KG
Package includes:
1 x MIT8 2 in 1 Car Door Lock Pick Opener